I wonder how an American pronounces…
tortoise /ˈtɔ–ɚ–dɪs/
Notice that you can hear 3 syllables: /ˈtɔ–ɚ–dɪs/
1. to = /ˈtɔ/
To say /ɔ/ make your mouth round, in the shape of a small ball. /smɔl-bɔl/
2. r = /ɚ/
3. toise = /dɪs/
tortoise /ˈtɔ–ɚ–dɪs/
Let’s look at the pronunciation of these 2 words:
toward = 2 syllables = /ˈtɔ–ɚd/
tortoise = 3 syllables = /ˈtɔ–ɚ–dɪs/
Why is the written t pronounced /d/?
tortoise /ˈtɔ-ɚ-dɪs/
The shell of a tortoise has a special pattern.
Horn-rimmed tortoiseshell glasses copy that special pattern.
A tortoiseshell cat has fur with a design like the shell of a tortoise.
Tortoiseshell cats are almost all female.

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