Compare: recipe – receipt – prescription Tuesday, January 28, 2020 by Eva Easton 2 Comments I wonder how an American pronounces…recipe … receipt … prescription And now it’s your turn.Here’s your audio pronunciation quiz.recipe… receipt … prescription 1. word has a Silent P? receipt prescription recipe 2. fills a prescription? a doctor a pharmacist or druggist a customer 3. picks up a prescription? a pharmacist or druggist a doctor a customer 4. have run out of medicine. I have to refill my __________. receipt prescription recipe 5. does a cashier in a store give a customer? a recipe a prescription a receipt 6.'ve had a lot of success in life. What's your secret _________? prescription receipt recipe 7. up all night and getting no sleep before a job interview is a _________ for disaster. prescription recipe receipt 8. cookbook has a lot of _________. prescriptions recipes receipts 9. writes a prescription? a pharmacist or druggist a doctor a customer 10. you want the cake to be really good, you should follow grandma's _________. prescription receipt recipe 11. do you need if you want to return an item to a store? a prescription a receipt a recipe 12. don't need a _________ in order to buy cough syrup. recipe prescription receipt Time's up Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Tell your friends. Share this lesson.
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