Linking: consonant sound + of Monday, January 10, 2022 by Eva Easton 4 Comments Linking + ReductionIn a dictionary, we see words in isolation.In natural speech, however, we don’t say words separately.We connect them together. Which word do you hear?a lot of … lots ofkind of … kinds oftype of … types of 1. has _____ friends. lots of a lot of 2. has _____ friends. a lot of lots of 3. has all _____ of friends. kinds of kind of 4. _____ pasta do you like? kinds of kind of 5. _____ pasta do you like? kind of kinds of 6. _____ pasta is your favorite? types of type of 7. likes every _____ pasta. kinds of kind of 8. likes all _____ pasta. kind of kinds of 9. _____ animal is common in Florida? Alligators. types of type of 10. _____ animals are common in Florida? Alligators. types of type of 11.'ve got _____ free time today. a lot of lots of 12.'ve got _____ free time today. lots of a lot of Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up Related Lessons: All Linking LessonsAll Reduction Lessons Tell your friends. Share this lesson.
Larisa says Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 8:17 am Здравствуйте С Новым годом Я очень рада опять получать Ваши интересные полезные уроки Во Флориде тепло? Уже привыкаете ? Reply
Eva Easton says Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 8:31 am С первого дня… Мы плаваем каждое утро… в 7 часов… что еще нужно человеку. Приятно слышать от вас Ева Reply
Eva Easton says Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 4:34 am Thank you. I’m glad it was useful for you. Eva Reply
Здравствуйте С Новым годом Я очень рада опять получать Ваши интересные полезные уроки Во Флориде тепло? Уже привыкаете ?
С первого дня…
Мы плаваем каждое утро… в 7 часов… что еще нужно человеку.
Приятно слышать от вас
A Good Test. Thank you so much
Thank you. I’m glad it was useful for you.