Linking is a basic element of American English Pronunciation.
In a dictionary, words are given in isolation.
In natural speech, however, you don’t say words separately.
You connect words together. You link them.
In this lesson, we’re going to practice consonant sound plus vowel sound.

And now it’s your turn.
Here’s your audio pronunciation quiz.
Which phrase do you hear?

Another great video………. I’ll use it for Monday’s class.
Glad to accommodate you. 🙂 I’ve spent 6 weeks on this one…trying to pull together a story line … plus explanation of the pattern … and then to simplify…simplify…simply.
One thing, though. You can’t really get a reservation for the Statue of Liberty overnight. They lady must have come to New York in the middle of January.
24/24, petica je pukla! 🙂
Meni petica a tebi crvena jabuka!
Thanks for another great lesson!!!
Have you ever gotten one wrong on a quiz? I don’t think so.
Thanks! Excellent video and useful quiz!
Thank you
Thank you, Larisa.
Thank You!
Another thank you to you. Eva
Thank you so much for these video, they are great!
Thank you, Angel.
I’m glad my work is useful to you.
Do you have to take a test or are you learning because of your own interest?
Take care.
Thanks. perfect practice
Thank you. I’m glad it helped.
Thank you.
Thank you.