R: word world Sunday, November 22, 2020 by Eva Easton 4 Comments R is the king of consonants.It can make vowels disappear.In this video, you learn the secret of r in 2 words:word – world Now it’s your turn.Which word do you hear?word or world 1. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-sleep.mp3A good night's sleep makes all the difference in the _______. = It makes a huge difference. world word 2. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-treating.mp3How is the _______ treating you? = How is everything in your life? (informal greeting) world word 3. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-eat.mp3You're going to eat those _______. = You're going to have to apologize for what you said. words worlds 4. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-have-word.mp3Can I have a _______ with you? = Do you have a minute to talk with me? world word 5. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-funny.mp3That was too funny for _______. = Something was extremely funny. worlds words 6. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-loss.mp3I'm at a loss for _______. = I don't know what to say. words worlds 7. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-time.mp3We have all the time in the _______. = We have lots of free time. world word 8. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-edgewise.mp3You can't get a _______ in edgewise with him. = He never stops talking so you can't interrupt him. world word 9. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-hanging.mp3She is hanging on his every _______ . = She's listening carefully to everything he says. word world 10. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-breathe.mp3Don't breathe a _______ of this to anyone. = Let's keep it a secret. world word 11. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-view.mp3That view is out of this _______. = It's fantastic. word world 12. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/word-world-war.mp3The two people got into a war of _______. = They had a long argument. worlds words Time's up The Secret of R: 1-syllable wordsunstressed r = /ɚ/ (part 1)unstressed r = /ɚ/ (part 2)consonant clustersdisappearing vowelsmy classroom worksheets at the bottom of this page Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.