Vowel Sounds are made inside the mouth and are voiced. You need to vibrate your vocal cords to make the sound.
In this lesson, we answer the question:
where do you find vowel sound /ʊ/.
In this lesson, we practice double oo = /ʊ/.
First, let’s listen to the difference between /uw/ and /ʊ/.
look /lʊk/
moon /muwn/
cook /kʊk/
food /fuwd/
foot /fʊt/
boot /buwt/
And now let’s practice /ʊ/.
look /lʊk/
good /gʊd/
cook /kʊk/
book /bʊk/
Look at my really good cookbook.
took /tʊk/
cookie /kʊ–kiy/
Who took the cookie?
hood /hʊd/
woods /wʊdz/
Little Red Riding Hood went through the woods.
crooked /ˈkrʊ–kɪd/
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is crooked.
good /gʊd/
hood /hʊd/
We live in a good neighborhood.
stood /stʊd/
foot /fʊt/
She stood on one foot.
And now it’s your turn.
Here’s your audio pronunciation quiz.
Which vowel sound do you hear?
/uw/ or /ʊ/
Related Lessons:
There are 4 ways we pronounce written double oo
- /uw/ most common
- /ʊ/ small number of words
- /ʌ/
- /ɔ-ɚ/
- practice /uw, ʊ, ʌ, ɔ–ɚ/

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