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Why is the Elephant so popular?

A Fable from Aesop

One of the anecdotes by the ancient Greek writer Aesop concerns a group of animals who, one day, were discussing the popularity of the elephant. They all agreed that the elephant was the most popular animal in the forest, but none of them could give a satisfactory explanation of this fact.

The giraffe said, "If the elephant had a long neck like mine, then it would be easy to understand his popularity. He would be the tallest animal in the forest."

The peacock said, "If the elephant had a beautiful tail like mine, it would be easy to understand. He would be the most beautiful animal in the forest."

The rabbit said, "If the elephant could run as fast as I, it would be easy to understand. He would be the fastest animal in the forest."

The bear said, "If the elephant were as strong as I, it would be easy to understand. He would be the strongest animal in the forest."

Suddenly the elephant himself appeared. He was larger and stronger than any of the other animals. He was also superior in many other ways, but he was always quiet and modest about his accomplishments.

This, after all, was the real explanation of his popularity.